Benefits & Examples

Adding media by mode of barter can offer a couple of financial benefits.  It allows you to build in more media placements to your current ad budget.  This can be quite advantageous if leveraged strategically with your current budget situation. Also converting media budget into cashless mode helps companies in reducing huge cash outflow from the company against their own inventory.
For example, If company named “ABC Pvt Ltd “hold inventory of 10.0 cr at their warehouse and looking to promote its products and media budget on variety of media mixes is adding up 1.0 cr than “IBS” a barter company can offer same media to “ABC Pvt Ltd” by mode of barter and from its inventory of “ABC Pvt Ltd” offers 1.0 cr to “IBS” barter company. This on one hand helped “ABC Pvt Ltd” to reduce huge cash outflow of 1 cr from company against their own product inventory which is anyhow lying at their warehouse. Also along with same the value of 1.0 cr will be billed to “IBS” barter company by “ABC Pvt Ltd” which helps in increasing turnover of company.


Also if for any company due to various circumstantial situations of market like Post Covid Breakdown or if particular model is ruled out from market or if budget has decreased, supplementing budget with barter media can allow company to maintain or increase your current advertising frequency level at previous year’s ad spend.  As a brand, liquidating unused product inventory can offset any possible loss from it not being sold.

Business Growth – Generating Order Of Excess Inventories

Barter deal between any company and barter company happen on either ways right from MRP which companies belongs to or mutually agreed rates from both side. This gives company a opportunity to get better liquidation of its products or services rather than increasing warehousing expenses or just selling it at lesser rates.

Advanced Analtics – Converting Media Expenses Into Cashless

We make strategic investments across the media landscape right from Newspaper to Television to Outdoor or Digital Media. We buys media from media houses based on requirement of our multiple clients. This gives opportunity to seller company to negotiate with media house and get better value of media rather than purchasing at higher rate from themselves. Of course all of this happens in collaboration with our clients and their agencies with pre-approval every step of the way.All this media comes by mode of cashless barter against company’s own products or services.

Customer Insights - Incremental Sales

After billing of inventory to barter company Seller Company enjoys incremental sales revenue in books which leads to increase in turnover of a company. The seller company also gets free from warehousing burdens and lower shelf life worries rather than it focuses on generating new business from market.

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